1999 - 2021
Since 1999, ICND has focused on continued innovation.
Like most tech stories, it all starts with one big opportunity (and a ton of hard work.) From a one man show (shoutout to our fearless leader, Brandon Sauls) to a team of 40+, ICND has always maintained a focus on first-to-market tools and tactics. Follow along with our timeline below, there were many trials and triumphs that got us where we are today.

The Early Years
It all started with a Charter Fishing website, and for anyone that knows Brandon, that is a very fitting start. Fine tuning his knowledge & know-how serving the fishing community, Brandon landed a contract with the H.L Hunley in Charleston to develop their membership and e-commerce console. The advanced management system created by Sauls was a critical component of the success of the H.L. Hunley website serving over 950,000 visitor sessions per month and more than $250k of gross sales in three months.
ICND hired its first two employees, bringing us to a team of 3 with Sauls at the helm. Brandon landed a large deal with Golfer's Guide publication to turn a 4000+ page content site into a dynamic database driven website.

2003 - 2006
In 2003, we launched one of the first fully integrated websites with the local MLS feed. However, our niche market truly began when ICND started working with Sloane Vacations in 2006. This was our first vacation rental website and initial Property Management Software integration with Property Plus.
At this point in time ICND grew to 30 employees and we made our first industry debut at the VRMA Eastern conference in Myrtle Beach, SC.
We consider 2014 to be a hallmark year in the growth of ICND as a thought leader in the Vacation Rental website design & digital marketing realm. We attended the VRMA Annual Conference and unveiled V1 of our booking engine which was implemented on Acme House Co. out of Palm Springs, CA.
2021 & Beyond
Preparing for release of ICNDAxis, V3 of our booking engine and it is going to be cutting edge!
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